Mining PKT cash

PKT cash is usually mined by mining pools using the PacketCrypt algorithm. The mining process consists of two stages: announcements are mined by miners all over the world, and are then sent to the mining pools to mine the actual blocks. This two stage process allows both individual miners and pools to prove that they have the bandwidth needed to power the future of the internet.

Mining using the wallet

The easiest way to start mining is by downloading the wallet. This graphical wallet and miner application allows you to start mining in just a few clicks.

Mining using the Minr GUI

The Minr application created by provides a self-contained and easy to use graphical mining application for PacketCrypt. It is available for download at the website.

Mining using Docker

If you're familiar with Docker and the Command Line, you may prefer to deploy a docker image for your mining operation. Keep in mind that you'll have to install a wallet and create a wallet address first! While convenient, the Docker version might not provide optimal performance.

docker pull thomasjp0x42/packetcrypt
docker run -d thomasjp0x42/packetcrypt ann -p [your_wallet_address]

If you're using a Raspberry Pi 4 or similar arm64 based system, use the docker image thomasjp0x42/packetcrypt-arm64 instead. If you have a recent x86-64 processor you may want to try the thomasjp0x42/packetcrypt-amd64 image for better performance.

Mining using the original Command Line Miner

The PacketCrypt project has created the original Command Line miner. This miner will probably get you the most profits from your hardware and bandwidth, but is somewhat more complicated to install and configure. Pre-compiled binaries for several operating systems can be downloaded from the PacketCrypt GitHub repository. You can use a command sequence like this to start the miner on a Linux system:

wget -O packetcrypt
chmod +x packetcrypt
./packetcrypt ann -p [your_wallet_address]

If you prefer to build the miner from source for optimal performance you can use a command sequence like this on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux system:

sudo apt install gcc git make curl libc6-dev
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
~/.cargo/bin/cargo install --git --locked --features jit
~/.cargo/bin/packetcrypt ann -p [your_wallet_address]

For more information about the miner and supported options, check out the GitHub repository and the help command:

~/.cargo/bin/packetcrypt ann --help

Mining pools and results

There are multiple mining pools and you can select one or more of them to optimize your mining profits. See the website for a complete list of mining pools and other options.

To check your miner performance, you can use our mining statistics explorer. Just enter your wallet address to see your current mining results. Note that it can take up to an hour for a new miner to receive maximum payouts.

Special pool addresses

The miner allows to specify one or more pool addresses as HTTP endpoints in the command line. The first pool in the list has a special role as it will provide the primary instructions for the miner. Because of this, which pool is listed first might influence your minng rewards. We recommend to list the pool first using one of the following addresses:

  • - this will use the default configuration
  • - this format allows to specify a minimum difficulty (2049 in this case) which may be required for compatibility with other pools or to reduce bandwidth usage, note that changing the difficulty might result in reduced rewards
  • - this endpoint can be used for increased rewards in case you mine the pool only, it should not be used together with other pools

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